Basket, 2003
larapuna (Eddystone Point)
New Zealand flax (Phormium sp.)
85x100 mm
‘My first completed basket. I felt proud being able to practise my culture as it isn’t something we get to do every day now.’
Merinda Sainty was born in Burnie in 1992. Through her mother and father, she has family links to the Aboriginal community on both Cape Barren and Flinders Islands. She is also fortunate to have Auntys who are shell stringers and basket weavers—in fact, her Auntys Audrey and Tahana, and cousin Zoe, all have pieces in the tayenebe exhibition.
Aunty Audrey (Frost) first showed Merinda how to weave when she was about eleven years old, at larapuna (Eddystone Point). larapuna is part of the Tasmanian Aboriginal community’s traditional Country. Merinda does not class herself as a weaver—she is simply keen to learn about her culture and enjoys spending time with Elder women in her Community.
unfinished basket, 2002–03
larapuna (Eddystone Point)
New Zealand flax (Phormium sp.)