First basket, 2008
larapuna (Eddystone Point)
white flag iris (Diplarrena moraea)
95x135 mm
Sonia Brown
‘My first basket represents so much more than threads you see woven together. It s a story of a trip to larapuna, a place of my ancestors, sitting where my people once sat, listening to the ocean, listening to the women sharing their stories, sharing their weaving techniques, getting words of encouragement, getting excited as my basket takes shape, thinking this is just the beginning.’
Sonia Brown was born in Hobart in 1966. She is one of seven siblings who trace their Aboriginal heritage through their father Wilfred Tasman Brown whose family was from Cape Barren Island.
Growing up, Sonia was exposed to patriarchal cultural experiences such as hunting, fishing and birding. Despite not being allowed to go hunting with her father, uncles and brothers, Sonia was always excited when they returned home with their catch. Cleaning, skinning and cooking were something that the women could assist with.
Today, due to the wonderful work being carried out by the weavers of the Community in reviving and reinstating traditional skills, Sonia has been able to learn a significant cultural practice that was vital to her ancestors—knowledge of plants and their weaving into baskets.