Interactive Baskets
The each of the baskets below can be rotated, click on the image to view.
Trucanini (c.1812–76)
Basket, 1874
white flag iris (Diplarrena moraea)
Collection of the Queen Victoria Museum
and Art Gallery
Patsy Cameron
Pormpener (Milky Way), 2007
Leengtenner (Tomahawk)
white flag iris (Diplarrena moraea),
maireener shells (Phasianotrochus
Vicki West
Water carrier, 2008
bull kelp (Durvillaea potatorum),
red-hot poker (Kniphofia sp.), tea tree
(Melaleuca sp.)
Vicki maikutena Matson-Green
Yolla... a tribute to the strength to
survive in the face of adversity, 2008
West Launceston
white flag iris (Diplarrena moraea),
yolla feathers
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