Adobe Flash player can downloaded from here.
Using the plus and minus or slider controls on the tool bar.
Clicking in the image will also scale into the object.
To move about an object use the directional buttons.
Or by dragging in the image or dragging the rectangle in the upper left overall map view.
Reset view
This button with the circle and arrow resets the view to its default.
Or by sliding the scale to the left position.
Full screen
The right most button on the tool bar will scale the object view to fill the screen.
To exit this view press the escape key on the keyboard.
NOTE: Depending on computer speed there may be a slow down of interaction.
The curved
arrows in the toolbar rotates the object.
Alternatively dragging left and right over the object.
The minus and
plus controls in the toolbar will scale the object.
Once scaled into the object hold down the shift key on the keyboard and drag inside the image.
Full screen
The right most button on the tool bar will scale the object view to fill the screen.
To exit this view press the escape key on the keyboard.
Reset view
The button with the circle and arrow resets the view to its default.
The right facing arrow in the toolbar toggles playback.
© 2009 Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
This page was last modified on :
8 April, 2010